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December 24, 2023

How To Write SEO-Friendly Article For Blog Post

Today, the topic I'm going to discuss is how to write SEO-friendly articles for blog posts.

An additional benefit is that this material is appropriate for beginners.

If you followed my instructions today and read my piece in its entirety, you should have no trouble creating and optimizing blog posts for search engines.

The strategies I'm going to discuss with you in this post are ones I first learned and then put into practice. Today, I'm going to share my 2 years of experience with you, and I assure you 100% that if you've read and understood this without skipping, you can easily get your post ranked among Google's top-listed articles.

How To Write Seo Friendly Article
How To Write Seo Friendly Article

A Step-by-Step Guide on Writing an Article That Is SEO Friendly

Now that we have a brief overview of SEO, let's dig a little deeper into its realm. We'll then go on to our next difficult subject after that.

What is SEO and How Does It Work?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing practice aimed at ensuring that your online content, such as websites, articles, and blogs, appears prominently on search engines. The purpose of SEO is to improve your website's ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs) so that people can easily discover your website.

Why SEO is Important?

SEO is necessary, and to illustrate this, let me give you an example. Imagine you are a college student. Okay, you've prepared a lot for your exams, and when the exams come, you remember everything you've studied. On the other hand, your friend has also prepared and appeared for the exams.

Now, when the results are out, you find out that you scored a B, even more than your friend who scored an A. 

Why did this happen? 

It occurred because, despite your increased preparation, the material you wrote did not correspond with the exam questions. On the other hand, your friend wrote a little, but the information he wrote matched the questions in the exam, and that's why he got an A.

This example demonstrates how content length counts when it answers the questions correctly and is consistent with the title. Ensuring that your content, regardless of length, matches the title and offers accurate information connected to the issue is what we term search engine optimization (SEO).

Now, let's proceed to our next step.

Ten Points for Writing SEO-Friendly Articles

Let's go through our main topic; on this topic, we will learn tips and tricks that will allow you to write your post, get its SEO done without anyone's help, and easily index it on Google. Here is a detailed discussion of today's topics.

List of  10 Topics for Discussion Today:

  • Keyword Research
  • Average Length Of Article
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Keyword Placement
  • Headings And Subheadings
  • Quality Content
  • Image Optimization
  • Linking
  • Labels And Search Description 
  • Readability And Engagement

1:- Keyword Research

Why is keyword research necessary for writing an SEO-friendly article, and what is the easy method of conducting keyword research? Let's find out.

First of all, you should know whether your blog is on this topic or related to this niche. Then, if you are writing your first article, the first thing in your mind should be to conduct keyword research before writing the article. If you don't do this, you won't understand how to write your article.

Now, I move on to my next step, which is about keyword search, and we will discuss it in 4 points. Let's move forward with our work.

List of Targeted Points:

  • Find Keywords Research Tool
  • Search Keyword
  • Target Countries
  • Find Low Competition Keyword

Find Keywords Research Tool

First, go to Google and type "free keywords research tools." Google will show you various research tools, of which you need to open the top two in new tabs. I'll also provide you with the names of some free keyword tools; feel free to use them as I personally use them for keyword research.

List of keywords Research tools

  • WordStream's
  • Ahrefs
  • Keywords tools
  • Semrush
Search Keyword

Now, let's move on to searching for keywords. Remember to write keywords related to your articles or blogs. If your blog is in the skin care niche, focus on related articles. Avoid writing articles on beauty in the fitness niche; this would be incorrect.

Target Countries

Next, you need to search for keywords based on your blog. Remember to target the USA, UK, and Australia first, and then move on to Asian countries.

Find Low Competition Keyword

Once you've targeted a country, choose a keyword. For example, if I search for "skin care creams," data will appear in front of you. From there, find the keyword with the lowest competition, and remember to select one with a high search volume. 

I'll also show you an image for better understanding.

Find Low Competition Keyword
Find Low Competition Search Results

After completing these steps, let's move on to the next step.

Find The Top 3 Ranked Articles Related To Your Keyword

Now, go back to Google, copy the low-competition keyword you found, and paste it into the search bar. Click on the search button. Google will show you many articles, but open the top 3 articles in new tabs and read them step by step. Pay attention to the headings, images used, article lengths, etc.

After completing these tasks, your main task of writing a blog post will begin. Let's get started.

2:- Average Length of Article

Average Length of Article
The average length of a blog article

Your article should be longer than your competitors' articles. If you don't do this and keep your article short, it's clear you won't be able to surpass them. When the article is short, it means fewer headings and images. So, remember, your article should be at least 2000 to 3000 words long. You can make it even longer if you want but don't make it shorter.

First, carefully read and understand your competitor's article before you start writing.

Let's move on to another topic now.

3: Title Tag Optimization

In title tag optimization, we'll learn how to write a title. First, you need to know that the keyword you searched for, like "skin care creams," is related to certain countries. 

If it's related to the United States, the products you select must be available in online stores in the USA. It doesn't matter which brand's cream it is, but those brands should be available in the USA. This will bring you two benefits - first, you'll get impressions from high CPM countries, leading to good earnings from your article. Second, the affiliate link or store link you added will start earning too.

And remember, your title should be problem-solving, like "How to write SEO-friendly article for a blog post." This type of title helps solve people's problems. Also, your title shouldn't be longer than 60 to 70 characters.

Let's move on to another topic now.

4: Keyword Placement

Keyword placement significantly aids in ranking your article. Let's understand how to do keyword placement.

Firstly, the keyword you used, such as "skin care creams," needs to be strategically placed. As discussed earlier in the title and tag section, your article's title should be problem-solving, and you must include your main keyword in the title.

Next, after the title, focus on crafting the first paragraph. When you begin writing the first paragraph, aim to convince the reader why your article is the best. In this paragraph, reiterate your keywords.

Now, your third target is to include keywords at each point where you explain to your audience why a particular skin care cream is the best.

Lastly, in the meta description, make sure to use keywords.

Now, we've learned how to place keywords in the title, paragraph, and description for a high SEO article.

Just like you see information in pictures, I put my main keywords in three places. You should do the same.

Use your main keyword in the title or heading.
Use your main keyword in the title or heading.

  • Use your main keyword in the title or heading.
  • Put it naturally at the beginning of your writing.
  • Scatter it throughout your writing, making sure it fits naturally.
Let's move on to the next step.

5: Headings and Subheadings

Understanding the difference between headings and subheadings is crucial. The main heading denoted as H1, represents the primary topic of your content. Subsequent headings are H2, H3, and so on.

H1 is the main heading that signifies the main theme of your content. H2 is often used for lists or defining various points. 

For example

Remember, after using H1 and H2, it's essential not to overuse them. Overusing these tags can negatively impact your SEO, confusing search engines.

Ensure that your headings align with the articles that readers found most engaging. Try to use more engaging headings than the top 3 articles and work on structuring your content logically.

Now, let's proceed to the next step.

6:- Quality Content

How you write your content actually involves keeping these 5 things in mind.

Let's now understand how to structure your content step by step in these topics. Let's begin and move on to the next steps.

how to write quality content
keeping these 5 things in mind.

Problem: Define the problem clearly. Your content should convincingly address a real issue, making it identifiable to both readers and search engines. Begin by explaining what specific topic or concern your article addresses.

Next Paragraph:

Elaborate on the aspects of the issue that your article will delve into. Help readers understand the dimensions of the problem and assure them that your content offers genuine solutions.

Promise: In the third paragraph, assure your audience that reading your article will be beneficial. Convey a sense of guarantee, letting them know that your insights will provide value. Build trust and confidence in your readers.

Research: Dedicate the fourth paragraph to highlight that your article is not hastily crafted but is a result of thorough research. Explain that you've invested time and effort to ensure the information is well-founded.

Solution: Now, delve into the core of your content—present the solution to the problem. Align your narrative with the chosen keyword, ensuring that your article offers a comprehensive solution to the identified issue.

Opinion: Conclude by inviting feedback from your readers. Encourage them to share their thoughts and let them know that you're open to hearing from them. Also, suggest exploring more of your articles for additional insights.

Remember, your content should be unique, not generated solely by AI tools. This completes the primary aspect of creating content. Now, let's move on to the next step, which involves setting up SEO for your post.

7: Image Optimization

Now, let's talk about image optimization. First, you need to edit images for your article. If you're using someone else's pictures, it's wrong, and your article won't be indexed. 

If you use any image, make sure to edit it first. I recommend using Canva for creating or editing images.

After editing, place the first image after the third paragraph. Then, you can add more images according to your content. Remember to add "Alt text" and "title text" to each image, related to your heading. Also, include captions for a better appearance, and always upload images in an extra-large size.

How to Image  Seo On Blog
Remember to add "Alt text" and "title text" to each image

For every image, make sure the "Alt text" and "title text" are related to your heading. Adding captions enhances the look of your article, and it shows Google that you've put effort and have experience in the blogging field.

Now, let's focus on the main point. Keep in mind, while reviewing demo articles from top-ranked writers, observe how many images they use. Considering the length of your article, aim to use more images than them.

8:- Linking

At this point, we'll explore what internal links, external links, and backlinks are and why it's essential to use them in an article.

Firstly, it's crucial to remember that when you add links, whether internal or external, they should be linked to keywords you've used in your blogs. Now, let's dive into each type of linking.

Internal Links:

Internal links are links that allow you to redirect your article's audience to your other articles. This is known as internal linking.

It's not entirely accurate to say that it significantly aids in article indexing, but here's a scenario to understand its potential benefits.

Suppose you've written an article that Google hasn't discovered yet. By selecting an already indexed article and adding links to those articles that aren't indexed, when Google's bots visit your post, they encounter internal links. This may encourage them to index the linked articles automatically.

External Links:

External links are links that enable you to redirect your website's audience to another website.

Through external links, you can benefit from affiliate links by redirecting your audience to the products' home pages. External links are similar to backlinks in some ways.

Backlinks can significantly contribute to ranking your article. Therefore, it's advisable to create as many links as possible.

How to Add external link in blog post
How to Add an external link to a blog post

Backlinks are links that allow you to redirect traffic from another website to your website.

For instance, if you've written a new blog post and want it to be quickly indexed and ranked on Google, backlinks can be very helpful.

Websites like Medium, Quora, Paid For Article, and PublishoX are places where you can write articles and include backlinks, redirecting the audience to your blogs.

Remember to use linking strategically to enhance the visibility and ranking of your articles.

How to create Backlinks
How to create Backlinks

9: Labels and Search Description


In this section, we'll delve into what labels are and why they are crucial for our blog posts. Let's get started.

What are Labels?

Labels serve as an identity for our posts. Whether it's the post title or any other content, labels help communicate to Google how essential the article is and how it addresses specific problems. You use labels to provide an identity to your post. You can use anywhere from 1 to 10 labels, but they must be relevant to your post
how to add labels in blog post
how to add labels in a blog post

.Why are Labels Important in a Blog Post?

Labels are essential because they help Google understand the topic of your article based on the labels used. For example, if your post is titled "How to Write SEO-Friendly Articles for Blog Posts," your labels could include "How to Write Good Articles" or "Writing SEO Articles Online." By adding relevant labels, your article becomes more discoverable when users search for related topics.

Search Description:

Using the search description, we inform users about the relevance of our article and the specific topic it covers. It's crucial to incorporate your main keywords into the search description. 

For instance, if your main keyword is "How to Write SEO-Friendly Articles for Blog Posts," ensure it's featured in your search description. Including key points and introductory information in your search description helps users understand what the article is about, attracting them to click and read.
How to add search description in blogger
Must add Search  description

10:- Review and Explanation:

Readability and engagement are both important considerations that transform a piece of content into something easy to understand, engaging, and connecting with readers.


The aim of readability is to ensure that the written composition can be easily comprehended by the reader. It involves the choice of sentence structure, selection of words, and clarity of expression. Good readability is that which is readily accessible and understandable to the general reader. To enhance it, some recommendations are included:

  • Use Simple Words: Use simple words and sentences to make the content easy to understand.
  • Divide Content into Sections: Divide the content into sections using headings and subheadings for ease of reading.
  • Avoid Technical Jargon: If your audience is not technical, avoid using specialized vocabulary.
  • Keep Paragraphs Short: Keep paragraphs concise to make it easier for readers.


Engagement indicates how much love and participation readers show towards the content. An engaged audience reads, shares, and responds to the content. To increase engagement, some recommendations are included:

  • Present Interesting and Unique Content: Provide valuable and interesting information that captivates your audience.
  • Ask Questions: To increase activity, ask readers questions and initiate discussions.
  • Use Multimedia: Include images, videos, and other multimedia elements to make the content visually appealing.
  • Boost Social Media Sharing: Share content across different platforms using social media sharing buttons.
  • Respond to Feedback: Responding to reader questions and comments creates a sense of community.

When both readability and engagement are combined, the content becomes easy to understand, interesting, and resonates with the audience.

In Conclusion:

We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of labels and search descriptions. It's designed for beginners who are starting new blogs. By following the step-by-step guide on how to write SEO-friendly articles for blog posts, you can easily create compelling content.

If you found this article helpful, please share your thoughts in the comments. For more tips and tricks on earning online, follow our blog Tech-Dani."

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